Just finished #IFTRASIA2018, 21-23 February, in University of Philippine Diliman. It was a huge success. The conference focused on theme, Bodies in/and Asian Theatres. The conference was held as IFTR Regional Conference under the collaboration with Asian Theatre Working Group. We are grateful Prof. Sir Anril Pineda Tiatco, Organizer. Thanks to Anril’s efforts, the ATWG could contribute to this meaningful conference. Around 60 papers including some keynote speeches were delivered in the conference and also substantial discussion was held. They suggested enough to create some new perspectives of theatre studies in Asia. As the ATWG held two plenary panels in this time, really wonderful and attractive, thank you for all the panelists and discussants. We will hold next Asian Theatre WG meeting in the IFTR Belgrade Conference July, 2018. We expect to be much more attractive for many participants. Anyway, thank you again, Anril and concerned persons at University of the Philippines, Diliman, for all your efforts to hold this wonderful conference.