As the conference committee has sent you acceptance Emails, you have received it, the IFTR annual conference in Belgrade will be held on 9 to 13 July, 2018. And also the Asian Theatre WG meeting will be held there keeping on plan. We have actually 16 papers in this time. The conference has set 7 slots of WG sessions during the conference, we are thinking to allocate all presentations to 6 slots, 9 to 12 July. It means, we should include two or three presentations in a slot, 90 minutes.
The way of the meeting is as usual, means, we explain briefly about your papers at first 5 to 10 min., after that we go straight to discussion on the paper. In order to do this, we should circulate our papers to all participants and read them in advance. So we like to ask you to prepare your papers and presentations as below.
The finished paper, or even draft is OK, but should be not over 4000 words and sent to conveners, Mitsuya Mori, morimit@seijo.ac.jp, and Yasushi Nagata, nagatays@let.osaka-u.ac.jp, until 20 June, 2018. Please keep the deadline.
The allocation of papers is tentative so far as below though, we will have some cancelation just before the conference. As attached the conference program, we hope this helps to your trip or plan.
Schedule Tentative,
1st Session, 9 July, 900-1030
Tsk-Chung Su, Meewon Lee, Hyunshik Ju,
2nd Session, 9 July, 1100-1230
Sir Anril Pineda Tiatco, Jessica Yeung, Jung-joo Choi,
3rd Session, 10 July, 1400-1530
Kei Hibino, Tomoko Goto
4th Session, 11 July, 1400-1530
Michael Ingham & Kaoru Nakao, Wei Feng, Balakrishna Pillai Anandha Krishnan,
5th Session, 900-1030
Sebum Sozer Ozdemir, Ursala Maya Tangeberg
6th Session, 12 July, 1600-1730
Tapati Gupta, Yasushi Nagata, Anna Thuring
General Discussion of our WG’s future